Friday, October 19, 2012

DC: Days 1 & 2

Flying with a baby.  I was super nervous and had been thinking about it for days - trying to figure out iPad apps that would distract him, toys that would keep his attention, and ways to get him to fall asleep (without drugs).  When we were checking in, we were lucky enough to get a row of 3 seats reserved for us so that we could spread out a little on both our flights and we got through security without a hitch.  We gave Gray a bottle as we took off to keep his ears from hurting him and I was hopeful that he would fall asleep after the bottle.  Well, that didn't happen, but he was quite good and just flirted a little with the people around us.  He had a few loud outbursts (not crying...just loud talking), but we were able to keep him distracted for both of our flights to DC.  I was so relieved when we got off the second plane!  One of the best things that we brought with us were baby food pouches that Gray could eat without a spoon.  They were mess free and very convenient.  We even got him to eat spinach and peas this way - such a win!
We got into DC relatively late on Thursday night, but Jess and Kim had a lovely dinner prepared when we got to their apartment.  A delicious fall soup, potato/rutabaga latkes, and rack of lamb were waiting for us when we walked in. 

After we ate, we got Grayson's bed set up (Kim was able to borrow a co-worker's pack and play so that we didn't have to cart one all the way up there!) and hung out for a little while before calling it a night. 
Friday morning we walked to breakfast at Florida Avenue Grill and had some very yummy pancakes.  We had to wait a few minutes for a booth, and while we did, some cool helicopters flew over. 
Jess also got some good Grayson cuddles. 
Jess, Grayson, and I shared one side of the booth so that P could put the stroller over on his side.  We were a little cramped, but i made for some cute pictures!

After our brunch, we went by a grocery store to get some milk and yogurt for Grayson and then headed home for him to nap.  He took quite a long nap and we eventually just woke him up so that we could make it to the zoo!  In order to get to the zoo, Grayson took his first bus ride!

First stop??  The Cheetahs - The Hubs' favorite!

The zoo was quite impressive.  Grayson was able to see Cheetahs, Zebras (apparently his favorite!), Panda Bears, an Elephant, Monkeys, and some other animals that I've forgotten at the moment. 
At the Red Panda exhibit, he was able to touch a swatch of hair.
It was windy, so Aunt Jess shared her scarf with Gray
Aunt Jessica showed Grayson the otters when they would swim by.
After the otters, we had a mini family picture session as we walked away.  I loooove some of these pictures!

After the Zoo, we met Jess' boyfriend for dinner at an Ethiopian restaurant.  It was my first time to eat Ethiopian food, and I was surprised by how much I liked most of it! 
What a fun first day!!

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