Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Dinner Time Silliness

Kids can't do too much damage to their brains this way...can they?!
I live for that laugh, although I'd prefer him to be doing it for another reason!

Monday, January 28, 2013

16 Months

 At 16 (12/21-1/20) months old, Grayson is:
-wearing 18-24 or 18 month onesies and shirts
-wearing 18 month pants
-wearing 18 month footie pjs
-in size 4 diapers    
-sleeping 10-13 hours a night depending on the night.  He still ends up in our bed often.
-walking & running
-drinking whole milk. 
-drinking 3 sippy cups of milk a day.  He is a little camel with water - he will drink it whenever you offer it.  He LOVES ice water.
-For dinner, we still struggle getting Grayson to eat any sort of meat.  In order to get him to eat meat, we still give him some Stage 3 Gerber meals.  We were also very excited this month that Grayson added eggs and peanut butter to things that he will eat!  He even ate breakfast burritos with sausage in them when we were at Grandma's house!  We are very happy to add that protein to his diet.
-teething-NO TEETH this month (officially) - He was working on the last two though, and slept like he was teething for a majority of the month.
-blowing kisses on command - well - when he feels like doing it.  He understands what we mean when we tell him to blow a kiss, though.
-sleeping poorly.  I think Gray ended up in bed with us almost every night of this month somewhere between the 2am-5am part of the night.
-taking afternoon naps that are anywhere from 1 1/2-3 hours long.
-pretty bad at daycare drop-off.  He does calm down pretty easily for his teachers, but ever since his favorite teacher left (she is back, but not at 7am much these days), he has thrown a fit when we leave him.

Word Count:
-"uh oh, ball, hot" appropriately and some mama & dada
-sometimes we think we hear words like "Jack", "dog","bye-bye"
-will sign: more, all done, his own version of please, and hungry/food

Other notables:
-At Gray's 15 month appointment, he was diagnosed with another ear infection.  When we got home from Dallas after the holidays, we took him to the Dr. again and he had double ear infections again.  We are not sure if this was the same one from his prior appointment, or if they were new.
-Travel this month - Dallas for Christmas/New Years Eve
-Santa brought Grayson a tricycle for Christmas and he loves it!  When it has been too cold outside, Grayson is happy to just sit in the tricycle while we push him around the house.  He would let us push him for hours I believe!
-Gray can identify his nose, ear, eye, mouth (most of the time) 
-The temper tantrums are coming.  He lets out a big wail when we stop him from doing something he wants or doesn't get his way.  Luckily we can distract him out of it pretty easily right now.
-Grayson loves our Ipad apps that have animal sounds.  He sits still for quite a while to look at the pictures and hear the sounds, although, he has started to realize that there is button at the bottom of the Ipad, and he likes to push it.  Of course, that means that it takes us out of whatever app we are looking at - even his animal sounds app.
-Gray is dancing like a mad man.  His current fave is Justin Bieber, but most songs with a beat will get him going!
-We have a climber.  He is starting to climb on things, but I am sure this is just the beginning...
-Grayson is starting to build up a little attention span.  He will sit still for a little while with us on a couch or in the bed (we're talking like 10 minutes max)
-Grayson has always been comforted when we walk outside.  P figured out early on that we could get Gray to calm down by taking him outside.  He wants to be outside whenever possible these days.  He is happy to stand in our driveway or explore the neighbor's lawn.  We don't have to take any toys outside with us for him to be a happy baby.
-We spent Grayson's 16 monthday at Kemah with my parents.  He had a great time walking on the boardwalk and stopping to dance to the music that they pump through the area. 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Sign Language

We have been signing a few words with Grayson since he was about 10 months old and he has finally starting signing "more" and "all done" during meals.  This weekend we decided we wanted to teach Grayson "please" so we showed him the sign when he was whining about wanting some of his Daddy's yogurt.  We DID show him the correct way to sign it - putting your hand over your heart - but he came up with something better.  It is so darn cute, that we have decided to make it our family's way of saying "please" - at least for now.

Guess Who's Coming to Town?!

Grayson and Grandaddy outside a Mexican food restaurant

I think this was Thanksgiving weekend
Grayson and Mimi Christmas morning
At The Nasher Museum in Dallas
And we're so excited! I was trying to get Grayson to say "Mimi" last night while he was in the tub.  He would say "Me", but I am sure my mom would answer to that if he actually called her that while she was here!  MLK Weekend will be great - now to just get through the rest of the week...

Wordless Wednesday






Tuesday, January 15, 2013

15 Months

15 Months

At 15 (11/21-12/20) months old, Grayson is:
-wearing 18-24 or 18 month onesies and shirts
-wearing 18 month pants
-wearing 18 month footie pjs
-in size 4 diapers    
-sleeping 10-13 hours a night depending on the night.  He still ends up in our bed often.
-walking & running
-drinking whole milk. 
-drinking 3 sippy cups of milk a day.  He is a little camel with water - he will drink it whenever you offer it.  He LOVES ice water.
-having solids at every meal.  He has gotten a lot better at eating the school lunches - which shocks us because there is no way he would eat half of the stuff at home.  For dinner, we still struggle getting Grayson to eat any sort of meat.  We had a few days where he ate some chicken nuggets, but he has since started refusing them again.  In order to get him to eat meat, we still give him some Stage 3 Gerber meals.  We don't have any trouble getting him to eat dairy or fruits.  (same as last month)      
-teething-NO TEETH this month!
-Grayson changed classrooms at school when we got back from Thanksgiving.  His new class only does one nap a day, so we have pretty much dropped the morning nap on the weekends as well.  His naps are anywhere from 1 1/2-3 hours long.  
-32 1/2 inches tall
-27 lb 15 oz

Other notables:
-At Gray's 15 month appointment, he was diagnosed with another ear infection and put on another round of antibiotics. 
-We talked with Grayson's Pediatrician about his lack of words - because the milestone is 3 words at 15 months.  She is not too worried about it at the moment, but did wonder if his ear infections might be limiting his hearing some.  We don't really think that is the case, and we are hopeful that he will start talking soon.
-We hired our babysitter to watch Gray on a weeknight so that we could attend P's work Christmas dinner.  We have only used her a couple of times (the work dinner last year and our anniversary), so she was shocked to see how big he is now. 
-It started to get tough shopping with Gray this month.  He doesn't like to sit in the carts very long (this has been a thing for quite a while), but he now just wants to get down even when we hold him.  That alone might not be too bad if he would stay near us, but he likes to run off to see something else when we let him down.  Christmas shopping was a real bear this year - I'll tell you that.  We were very thankful to get a lot of our shopping done online this time around.
-We took Grayson to see Zoo Lights at the Houston Zoo this year.  It was so cool!  We all had a great time, and even thought it was HOT, it put us in the holiday spirit.
-Travel this month - Dallas for Thanksgiving
-Grayson sat with the family at Thanksgiving and even had some of the feast that we were eating.  We unsuccessfully tried to get him to try the ham (unless it was covered in something else), but he enjoyed some mashed potatoes, sweet potato souffle, and pistachio salad.
-Met Santa again this year, but it did not go well.  He would not let P put him in Santa's lap, so P made an unexpected appearance in Grayson's Santa picture this year.

Tracksuit Tuesday

It is cold outside - I hear that there is even snow in Dallas!  Stay warm friends :)

Monday, January 14, 2013

Who is that boy in the mirror??

Mom, do you see someone in there??
There really is someone in there!!
Oh heeey baby in the mirror!

This and That

It has been so long since I posted something, that I don't really even know where to begin.  We have such great pictures from our adventures in December, but we are already halfway through January at the same time!  The way that I have to post pictures since I ran out of room with my blogspot account has begun to hinder my posting since it takes me a lot longer to upload pictures.  I will start off with a few random pictures since we've been home from our long Christmas break, and cover Christmas and holiday cheer at another time.
matching day!

Fun with headbands...Daddy isn't fond of this one ;)
Sweet boy at snack time

The boys were playing

Silly boy - this outfit slays us!
He kept putting a diaper on his I just helped it stay on ;)
He loves walking around with the swiffer and broom right now.  So helpful...
He loves his trike!  He is happy to ride around the house for long periods of time in it...GREAT Santa gift!!
This is just a little peek at what we've been up to for the last two weeks.  As a side note: I have got to get better about taking non-blurry pictures!!  I hope to get more posted soon!