Thursday, February 23, 2012

Embrace the camera: Feb. 23

I have still got to write up Grayson's 5th month post, but here are a few pictures that we took during his 5th month photo shoot.

I finally got my hair "did"-it has only been like...8 months!  No more roots and about 3 inches shorter, I feel human again!

His "kisses" right now are these great big open mouth slobbery messes that melt our heart every time he opens his mouth.  I'm glad we got some pictures of them to remember how stinkin' cute he was with his beginner kisses.

Linking up:


  1. He's so adorable! His 5 month onesie is cute too!

  2. Soooo cute!! I love those kind of kisses from babies. They are the best!!

  3. AHH! One month til I get to see my little cuddle monster!!
