Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Houston Rodeo

The Houston Rodeo is a big deal around here, but we had never actually attended (other than the Cook-off one year).  The other day I was picking Jackson up from Petsmart and in the parking lot I saw horses tied up on trees and I thought to myself, it must be rodeo time!

The Hubs and I decided that it would be fun to take Grayson to see all of the animals.  I took off work a little early and we got to the Rodeo around 5:30.  Our first stop was some yummy carnival food and bbq.  Then, we were off to find the pig races.
Waiting patiently for the races to begin

After the races (and a swimming pig!), we walked over to the tent that had a lot of sheep hanging out.  Since my sister is in the lamb business, and it is one of the three animal sounds that Grayson can make, we were excited to see them.
It was a little chilly out by this time and we decided to warm up inside the convention center.  We thought that there were supposed to be a lot of animals inside, so we were on a mission.  We hit the jackpot!  There was a petting zoo inside with a TON of animals.  Grayson and I went in first while P took some pictures, and then The Hubs walked around with Grayson for a little while, too. 

There was also a cute area set up about dairy products, and Grayson decided he needed to climb in the cheese. 

We really had a great time.  We liked that it wasn't too crowded since we were there on a Tuesday night, and although we couldn't stay long (bedtime loomed), it was a good amount of time to see everything. 

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