Tuesday, November 6, 2012

13 Months

At 13 (9/21-10/20) months old, Grayson is:
-wearing 9-12 and 12 month onesies
-wearing 9-12 month shorts and some 12 month and some 18 month pants
-wearing 18 month footie pjs
-in size 3 diapers  
-sleeping through the night for a large portion of this month!
-walking better and better.  I LOVE walking with him holding my hand (a finger or two really); it is one of my favorite things.
-drinking whole milk.  We started out with a half whole milk/half formula combo, but by the end of the month he was just drinking whole milk.  I kept the formula around for our trip to DC so that I wouldn't have to worry about keeping his milk refrigerated during travel, but otherwise, he doesn't have any formula.
-drinking 2 sippy cups and 1 nighttime bottle per day
-having solids at every meal.  G's teachers still try to feed him the school lunches every day, but most days he would eat the lunch that I provided.  It was (and still is) pretty hit or miss on whether he would eat what they served him.  His teacher told us that if he was the first one served, he would not eat the school food until he saw his classmates eating it.  Gray's Pediatrician told us that he really needed to be eating more table food and less purees after his 1 year visit.  We started progressing that way with Stage 3 Gerber meals in addition to diced fruits, pancakes, cottage cheese, tortillas, cheese puffs and I'm sure there were a few more things.  We still struggle this month to get G to eat meat that isn't in a pureed form.  His favorite food is still yogurt.    
-teething - molars!  Grayson got his last two molars (bottom ones) this month...again with the help of a lot of children's Ibuprofen...
-still taking 2 naps a day at school  
-having another bout of separation anxiety at daycare drop-off.  This is kind of a hit or miss thing, too.  I know he will be okay if I leave him with one teacher (Miss Laureal) for sure, but sometimes he gets a little cranky when I leave him with the other teacher who is there that early - his first teacher at this school.  I guess he has forgotten how sweet she was to him!
Other notables:
-Gray has started to bring books to P or me that he would like for us to read.  His favorites right now are a Garfield book that I picked up in a Target dollar bin, and a Peekaboo book that has soft patches for him to pet and flaps for him to open. 
-He is dancing to all kinds of music these days.  One sweet example was when we were in the Miami airport waiting for our connecting flight and I let Grayson walk with me to the bathroom.  On  our way, there was a store with very loud music flooding the hallway.  G stopped in front of the store and started jamming for a minute.  I thought it was hilarious, but the busy travelers didn't seem to appreciate a toddler standing in the middle of the walkway.  A second funny dance happened while we were at Aunt Jessica's house.  A Microsoft commercial came on with music and Grayson just started flailing his arms in the air and movin!  He is just pure joy :)
-We stopped putting Grayson in his sleepsacks this month.  Since its "getting cooler" (not in Houston), we have decided to just put him in footed pj's.  I think he can move around a little more in these, but still stay warm.
-Grayson has been jibber jabbering a little more lately, and one of the cutest things he does is click his tongue before he starts talking - like he has something really important to share. 
-Grayson had a reaction to the MMR vaccine that he received at his 12 month check up.  He developed a measles-like rash all over his body.  Luckily it didn't really seem to bother him and it went away after about 72-96 hours.

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