Monday, November 5, 2012

12 Months

G's Schedule
I still take Grayson to school every day, so that means that P wakes him up around 6:15 to feed him, change his diaper, and get him dressed.  Grayson is pretty tired when he gets home from school and has started going to bed more like 7-7:30 every night.  We eat dinner with him most nights now, but we still occasionally put him to bed and then eat our dinner.  His sleep has gotten much better when it comes to sleeping through the night. He still takes 2 naps a day while at daycare or at home.  On the weekends, we are usually able to get him to take a bottle when he wakes up (sometime between 5-6:30) and then go back to sleep until at least 8. This schedule has not changed much in a while, and it makes me feel pretty good to see that we have some sort of schedule going on!  A lot of times I feel like we do not have much of a routine, but this makes me feel better.

At 12 months old, Grayson is:
-wearing 9-12 and 12 month onesies
-wearing 9-12 month shorts
-in size 3 diapers  
-WALKING!  I saw him take his first step with my Dad 8.20.12, but wasn't interested in trying a whole lot more for a week or so.  When we were in Dallas for Labor Day, he took a few more steps, but we really started seeing him walk a week before his birthday - 9.13.12.
-still drinking formula.  This month we wanted to slowly introduce Grayson to whole milk, but after one unfortunate night where he woke up with throw-up all over himself/bed, we decided to wait a week longer and speak with the Pediatrician before trying it again.
-drinking 3 bottles a day
-having solids at every meal.  This month we told G's teachers that they could start trying to feed him the school lunches every day.  It was (and still is) pretty hit or miss on whether he would eat what they served him.  I made sure that he had a back up lunch each day just in case.   
-teething - molars!  Grayson had his two top 1 year molars come in this month.  With the help of a lot of children's Ibuprofen...
-taking 2  naps a day at school again.  We are happy that the one nap/day went away because he still needs that second nap. 
-having another bout of separation anxiety at daycare drop-off.
-still a big boy!  At his Doctor visit on 9.20.11, he weighed in at 26.5 pounds (95th percentile) and 31 inches tall (85th percentile). 
Other notables:
-We ordered Grayson's first kid's meal this month.  He had a goose-a-dilla from the Blue Goose when we had dinner with his Grandaddy and Mimi one night.  He gobbled it right up!
-He is starting to understand more.  He will give you a kiss if you ask for it now!  (You just really have to get his attention before doing so.)
-Grayson had his first ear infection.  He had not shown any signs of one, but the Pediatrician diagnosed it at his one year check up.  He was prescribed Amoxicillin, and luckily took it all very easily.  

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