Options, options, options! There are so many options for every single thing that The Bean will need when he gets here. Options on things P & I didn't even know existed 6 months ago! There is a sale at Babies R Us on their cribs right now (ends today...which is why it is so on my mind!), and we can't decide if we should pull the trigger on a crib there or keep looking. Here's what I'm looking at today...
Delta Brand - Target |
Crib 1 - We love really dark wood, but I can't decide if I would actually want a BLACK crib.
Delta Brand - Target |
Crib 2 - This one was major contender until we saw it in person and the finish was a little lackluster (in my opinion). It was a little closer to black than an espresso finish, and the finish didn't seem very uniform on the headboard.
Baby Cache - Babies R US |
Crib 3 - This is the one that P and I keep comparing everything else to, which makes me nervous because the 20% off coupon ends today! Do we buy or keep looking??
DaVinci - Amazon.com |
Crib 4 - This is a lunch break find. I think this one could give the Baby Cache crib a run for its money! It is also $50 cheaper, I just don't know if I feel comfortable buying furniture without ever seeing it.
Decision time...any thoughts?!
Update: Crib #3 won! We made our first large baby purchase last night.
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