Sunday, May 15, 2011

Pregnancy Weeks 15-18

Week 15
Nothing new to report this week in the pregnancy.  As far as my energy level, I would say that it is slowly increasing, but I still get tired a lot faster than normal.  My family was in town for Easter weekend and after they left on Sunday, I took an hour and a half nap, which I wouldn’t normally do.  No super cravings or food aversions yet, either.  

Week 16
Yet another uneventful week.  I am beginning to wonder if I am feeling the “quickening” that I have read can start to happen around this time.  On our way to a wedding last weekend (15 weeks, 4 days) that was an hour and a half away, I thought that I felt something where the seatbelt was a little tight around my belly.  I have felt it a few more times this week, but they say it is hard to tell between baby movements and regular digestion.  As far as getting dressed in the mornings goes, I am still in some of my regular clothes without the tummy sleeve, but I have a feeling it isn’t going to last much longer… 

Week 17
I have definitely been feeling The Bean this week.  It usually just feels like a light little thump here and there on the left side of my lower abdomen for the most part.  I feel it the most in the evenings while sitting down to watch TV or when I am driving my car.  The hubs tried to feel it this week, but it is still not detectable from the outside.  Oh well, it will happen soon enough J
I am such an impatient person, and the waiting has been killing me!  Waiting to hear the heart beat, waiting for a pronounced bump, waiting to find out the sex, waiting to feel the baby….waiting waiting waiting!  So, I am going to start trying to follow the advice of cherishing every moment and not continuously looking forward to the next step. 
This week my regular pants have started to be pretty snug, and I am back to the tummy sleeve for most of my work pants.  When I get home, I am the most comfortable in some yoga pants and a tank top. 

Week 18
I have felt the baby move every day this week!  Sadly, it is way too sporadic for P to have felt yet, anytime I call him over and get his hand in the right place, The Bean stops moving.  I am pretty sure P is starting to think I am crazy.  This week my stomach really popped, meaning getting dressed in the mornings is going to be more challenging.  I am hoping my tummy sleeve will stay with me for a few more weeks so that I can put off buying more maternity pants. 
My sweet tooth is out of control.  Right now if I could eat nothing but cake, cookies and donuts I would be a happy camper.  I would say that my cravings right now consist of cinnamon rolls, cantaloupe, and Mexican food, but there is nothing that I would send P out for in the middle of the night…we haven’t gotten there yet.
This week I have noticed that anytime I get up too fast, I get really dizzy.  This is due to the blood vessels relaxing and widening in order to increase blood flow to the baby, so I guess I can’t really complain!  I have also noticed that I am hungry more often.  I eat snacks that I think should satisfy me until my next meal, but sometimes hunger still sneaks up on me.  I have to warn P when it happens because I am not fun to be around at that point.  The good news is that I have really noticed my energy level is much better.  I suppose it could be from the Friday afternoon naps that I have taken the last two weeks, but I doubt it.  We are going to be pretty busy for the rest of the month, so I hope this holds true. 

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