Sooo....I didn't get around to taking these pictures until yesterday (WHY am I so bad at this?!). Yes, that would be 8 days before he turns 11 months. Oh well. Lessons learned - with the next kid I think I'll just put him/her in a cute outfit and take a picture instead of the sticker thing. For some reason, the stickers just make me feel like the pictures have to be better. It is getting harder and harder to get Gray to stay still for any pictures these days. It was definitely a two person job yesterday!
G's Schedule
I still take Grayson to school every day, so that means that P wakes him up around 6:15 to feed him, change his diaper, and get him dressed. Grayson is pretty tired when he gets home from school and has started going to bed more like 7-7:30 every night. We eat dinner with him some, but a lot of the time we are putting him to bed and then eating our dinner. His sleep has still been pretty hit or miss when it comes to sleeping through the night. He still takes 2 naps a day while at daycare or at home. On the weekends, we are usually able to get him to take a bottle when he wakes up (sometime between 5-6:30) and then go back to sleep until at least 8. That has been a big help for my own sleeping needs! (this has not changed since last month)
At 10 months old, Grayson is:
-wearing 9 and 9-12 month onesies
-wearing 9-12 month shorts
-in size 3 diapers
-we have heard him say mama and dada, but nothing has convinced us that he knows what he is saying
-babbling quite a bit more.
-crawling much faster and getting from room to room in our house.
-pulling up on our legs, or anything that isn't quite sturdy
-standing/working on his balance (he likes to grunt when he is standing on his own to make sure we see him)
-using a walker some. We introduced it to him at the end of his 9th month and he would move around with it a little bit, but not much. - Not much has changed on this front.
-drinking 4 bottles a day
-having solids at every meal. We are still introducing a new food and waiting 4 days before giving him new foods. We now send Grayson to school with one serving of breakfast, 2 servings for lunch, and some puffs for snacks. We feed him 2 servings of solids at dinner time as well.
-teething - no more this month - phew!
-sleeping in his own room!
-taking 2 naps a day and is napping well at home and school. His naps are still better at home, but he gets at least 2 hours of sleep while he is at school
-over his first stomach bug. G brought the stomach bug home this month and shared it with the whole family. It was so bad once Daddy got it (the final of the three), that we had to call my mom for reinforcements! Thankfully the bug didn't seem to effect Grayson as much as it did P and me!
-beginning to show signs of separation anxiety. Gray started crying at drop off a few times this month. It has not been an every day occurrence, and I think it just depends on who is at school when I drop him off. The teacher that I leave him with in the morning is not his normal teacher anymore, so it helps if his real teacher is there.
-showing a real interest in light switches. He gets so excited when we pass a light switch that we just can't walk past it without letting him play! He is too cute, then he just proceeds to beat it because he doesn't have the patience to use his finger.
-improving his pallet - he tried a Popsicle at school this month for their splash day. (I think it was just juice that was frozen in a Popsicle form)
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