Tuesday, August 28, 2012

School Happenings

I love it when Grayson's teachers send me pictures of what they're up to at school.  We are so lucky to live in a time where his teachers can easily take some pictures and email them to us! 

I think he may have gotten a little paint on his paper...but I'm not sure!!

His class had Olympic Events a couple of weeks ago, and their final project was to paint their medals.  The pictures are just adorable - I don't even know how they got such good ones with a class full of kids crawling around.  Here is what his teacher said in the email that accompanied the pictures:  'Our Creator Olympics are over! And we are so proud of Grayson! He won gold for crawling and a gold for throwing! He even went home with the gold superlative for best snuggler!'  So proud of our 3X gold winning Olympian.  ;)

Monday, August 27, 2012

Zucchini for baby

One of the cooking blogs that I frequent posted a recipe for zucchini bread pancakes recently and I decided that might be the perfect way to get Gray to eat something green! (Is it sad that I have resorted to hiding the vegetables already!?)  After acquiring all of the necessary ingredients, I was able to attempt making them Sunday morning.  When the Hubs got out of bed and found us in the kitchen, he decided he needed to take a picture.

Let's first assume that I am wearing something a little more appropriate and that I brushed my hair before P took this picture of us....okay?  Thanks a bunch!  I had my little "helper" on the counter because he was not happy anywhere else.  I guess it is okay that he saw me using the secret ingredient since he has no idea what it is yet.

Yes, there is a picture of Grayson and me looking at the camera, but it would take more than the Crave Cupcake box in the lower right hand corner to distract you from my bedhead.  Gotta have some sort of limits!

  After making Gray's breakfast, I put the rest of the eggs that I bought to good use and made P and I some migas.  I didn't make anything fancy, just used some jarred salsa, fried some corn tortillas and cooked it in with the eggs.  Topped it with some shredded cheese and called it a day.

The Hubs and I enjoyed our breakfast, and Gray ate his zucchini without any hesitation (yay!).  The only down side is that this pancake is a little softer than most pancakes, so it made a bigger mess while he fed himself.  Oh well, he was happy and so were we!

On a different note, we have had much more success with a cup and straw than sippy cups, so we picked up a toddler cup/straw combo this weekend that is working really well.  He looks like such a big boy when he holds his own cup and drinks more when he has control over it.

One final note.  The food blogger linked to an article with some zucchini humor that I am embarrassed to say still makes me chuckle when I think about it.  Enjoy :)
Forget the zombie apocalypse. It’s summertime and the zucchini apocalypse is upon us.

You’ve probably heard the jokes about getting rid of over-zealous zucchini this time of year, especially if you’re a home gardener. For example:

How do you know someone’s got no friends? When you see them shopping for zucchini in summertime.

Or, when do country folks lock their car doors? In the height of summer, for fear someone might slip a bag of zucchini in there.

You get the idea.

A single zucchini plant can produce dozens of fruits over the course of a couple of months, prompting stealth gifts to neighbors and friends.
Okay, I'll stick to posting blogs with pictures of The Bean and leave the humor to others.  And yes, I'm still snickering. 

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Bath Time

Grayson has been so much fun during his baths lately, so I asked the Hubs to take some pictures.  Turns out, he was a little tired and grouchy this time (of course), but we still got some cute pictures nonetheless.  Bath time pictures can always be a bit too revealing, so I used some starfish just in case.

He loves to suck on his washcloths during baths.  Unfortunately, this means that he sucks in too much water at times and causes himself to cough, but he recovers quickly.

He knows he is cute
Rubber Ducky Love
I have started thinking that it is about time for us to transition him to the regular bath tub.  He has started to try standing up in this one and it scares me to death when he does it.  It is too high off the ground, slippery, and flimsy for him to do that.  I am not looking forward to the move though, because our bath tub has doors on it instead of a shower curtain.  I have a feeling that the doors are going to get in my way quite a lot. 
Splash time!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Pure Joy

Grandaddy took us out to dinner last night (he is in town all week for business), and Grayson was so cute throughout the meal.  I got my phone out to take his picture because he had his arm on the table and was resting his head on it (SO cute), but of course he moved before I could snap the picture.  He seems to be understanding that the camera is something to smile at, so he made a super cheese ball face at the camera.  He is just the light of our lives!

In the past, Grayson was interested in being near Jackson and getting kisses from Jackson, but we wouldn't let him get too close because he would get excited and start hitting Jackson.  Lately though, he reaches out really gently and tries to pet Jack.  It is so sweet!  Unfortunately for him, Jack still expects to get hit, so he doesn't stick around too long when Gray starts extending his arm.

 This week Grayson has started to move around like this because he will try standing up from that position.  It is so funny to watch him crawl around with his booty in the air.  Fun story:  My dad got in town Monday evening, and I was telling him that Gray's buddy at school has started walking.  As I was talking about that, Gray deliberately stood up and took one step!  We then tried for about an hour to recreate the whole thing, but G wouldn't have anything to do with it.  Oh well, we saw his first step!  Now we just wait until he feels like doing it again.

 Grayson on his 11th "monthday"  After his first step - because why would he walk anymore after I got the camera out?! 

This is the "I'm not doing anything wrong!" smile.  This is most usually seen when we call his name if he is going for Jackson's bowls or toward the bar - which is the case in this picture.  Silly boy :)

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Wordless Wednesday*

Look at how tall he is!!

Trying so hard


Behind the camera chaos
My shopping partner

Funny faces

Monkey bread - testing it out for a baby shower that is coming up

Cool 'do after his bath
*with words.

Monday, August 13, 2012

10 Months

Sooo....I didn't get around to taking these pictures until yesterday (WHY am I so bad at this?!).  Yes, that would be 8 days before he turns 11 months.  Oh well.  Lessons learned - with the next kid I think I'll just put him/her in a cute outfit and take a picture instead of the sticker thing.  For some reason, the stickers just make me feel like the pictures have to be better.  It is getting harder and harder to get Gray to stay still for any pictures these days.  It was definitely a two person job yesterday!

G's Schedule
I still take Grayson to school every day, so that means that P wakes him up around 6:15 to feed him, change his diaper, and get him dressed.  Grayson is pretty tired when he gets home from school and has started going to bed more like 7-7:30 every night.  We eat dinner with him some, but a lot of the time we are putting him to bed and then eating our dinner.  His sleep has still been pretty hit or miss when it comes to sleeping through the night. He still takes 2 naps a day while at daycare or at home.  On the weekends, we are usually able to get him to take a bottle when he wakes up (sometime between 5-6:30) and then go back to sleep until at least 8.  That has been a big help for my own sleeping needs!  (this has not changed since last month)

At 10 months old, Grayson is:
-wearing 9 and 9-12 month onesies
-wearing 9-12 month shorts
-in size 3 diapers  
-we have heard him say mama and dada, but nothing has convinced us that he knows what he is saying
-babbling quite a bit more.  
-crawling much faster and getting from room to room in our house.
-pulling up on our legs, or anything that isn't quite sturdy
-standing/working on his balance (he likes to grunt when he is standing on his own to make sure we see him)
-using a walker some.  We introduced it to him at the end of his 9th month and he would move around with it a little bit, but not much. - Not much has changed on this front.
-drinking 4 bottles a day
-having solids at every meal.  We are still introducing a new food and waiting 4 days before giving him new foods.  We now send Grayson to school with one serving of breakfast, 2 servings for lunch, and some puffs for snacks.  We feed him 2 servings of solids at dinner time as well.
-teething - no more this month - phew!

-sleeping in his own room!
-taking 2 naps a day and is napping well at home and school.  His naps are still better at home, but he gets at least 2 hours of sleep while he is at school
-over his first stomach bug.  G brought the stomach bug home this month and shared it with the whole family.  It was so bad once Daddy got it (the final of the three), that we had to call my mom for reinforcements!  Thankfully the bug didn't seem to effect Grayson as much as it did P and me!
-beginning to show signs of separation anxiety.  Gray started crying at drop off a few times this month.  It has not been an every day occurrence, and I think it just depends on who is at school when I drop him off.  The teacher that I leave him with in the morning is not his normal teacher anymore, so it helps if his real teacher is there. 
-showing a real interest in light switches.  He gets so excited when we pass a light switch that we just can't walk past it without letting him play!   He is too cute, then he just proceeds to beat it because he doesn't have the patience to use his finger.
-improving his pallet - he tried a Popsicle at school this month for their splash day.  (I think it was just juice that was frozen in a Popsicle form)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Oh, how we missed him!

The trip to India was amazing, and it deserves its own post (or 5), but the 9 days that we were away from Gray were very hard.  We often found ourselves watching the little videos of him that were still on our camera.  He had a great time at my parent's house and got to go to the aquarium, play in a kiddie pool, ride on a carousel, and play with new toys at Mimi's house!

Last night I decided to try feeding him some green beans that were not pureed to see if he showed any more interest that way. 

He ate them at first, but then started making horrible faces while chewing them.  We didn't get more than 3-4 down in his mouth before he refused to eat any more of them.  Oh well, its the most receptive he has been to green foods so far (that's sad). 
After dinner, he decided he'd be our bar tender.  We don't usually let him play in that area of the house, but it was a cute picture.  Don't worry - I moved him as soon as the picture was snapped.

Wordless Wednesday: India Day 1