Grayson's teachers tell me some pretty funny things that he does at school sometimes, and I thought I would start recording them a few at a time. The following are some stories that I remember from the past few months:
:: I have been told a few times now that G steals other kid's snacks during the afternoon. Last week Miss L told me that Grayson took a handful of someone's gold fish. No, I have never fed him goldfish, but I guess he has had some now! I am kind of confused that someone Gray's age would already be eating gold fish, but I guess they can chew them well enough.
:: Last week I was told that G was kissing on girls one day! It has already started...
:: Grayson occasionally escapes out of his classroom and sits in the hallway watching people go by and playing with the big strollers that they have. His teachers said that another teacher came by and told them they had an escapee...but they assured her that G was just the hall monitor.
:: Grayson keeps his teachers entertained throughout the day. They say they really miss him on Fridays. He is pretty silly...he gets it from his Daddy...eh hem. Right.
:: G has been working on standing without holding onto anything lately. They have told me that he yells out when he is balancing on his own for praise - just in case they weren't looking. :)
:: Oh, this is a fun one. Gray's teachers are convinced that he has started to talk back to them when they tell him no. One day a few weeks ago they said that any time they would say no or keep him from doing something, he would yell out something at them. I believe it, too! He sure does like to do the things we tell him not to - sure can't wait for those terrible twos...
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