Friday, July 20, 2012

Hangin' Out

I have not been great about taking pictures this month, but we took some cute ones over the last few nights.

P put his hat on Grayson last night when he got home, and I thought it was so cute, that I ran for the camera.  I wasn't quite able to recreate it since he was moving around a lot, but the shots are still cute:

Gray has had a tough week with some diaper issues (is that the best way to put it?) and diaper rash, so when he got home last night, he was tired and a little cuddly.  He even sat pretty still for me to read him a book!  This picture is of him laying on the futon next to me:
As an aside: He is so stinkin' cute!
And, a short video for your viewing pleasure.  For some reason, Gray has started growling lately.  It is really funny. And, of course, he was doing it much more BEFORE we turned the camera on, but he still does it in this clip.
  Happy Friday!!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

9 Months

Gray turned 9 months June 20.  He is such a ball of energy these days, taking off crawling to whatever catches his eye and pulling up on anything and everything he can reach.
Sometimes, things just get a little crazy!
G's Schedule
I still take Grayson to school every day, so that means that P wakes him up around 6:15 to feed him, change his diaper, and get him dressed.  Grayson is pretty tired when he gets home from school and has started going to bed more like 7-7:30 every night.  We eat dinner with him some, but a lot of the time we are putting him to bed and then eating our dinner.  His sleep has still been pretty hit or miss when it comes to sleeping through the night. He still takes 2 naps a day while at daycare or at home.  On the weekends, we are usually able to get him to take a bottle when he wakes up (sometime between 5-6:30) and then go back to sleep until at least 8.  That has been a big help for my own sleeping needs!
At 9 months old, Grayson is:
-wearing 6-9 month onesies
-wearing 9 month shorts
-in size 3 diapers  
-we have heard him say mama and dada, but nothing has convinced us that he knows what he is saying
-babbling quite a bit more.  
-crawling much faster and getting from room to room in our house.
-pulling up!  He started out struggling quite a bit, but by the end of the month, he was able to pull up pretty easily.
-using a walker some.  We introduced it to him at the end of his 9th month and he would move around with it a little bit, but not much.  The walker still moved a lot faster than he was ready to go.
-Drinking 4 bottles a day.  We switched from a bottle every three hours to a bottle every 4 hours this month and added more solids.  It quickly morphed into 4 bottles a day - but we don't have to stretch too many passed 4 hours.
-having solids at every meal.  We are still introducing a new food and waiting 4 days before giving him new foods.  We now send Grayson to school with one serving of breakfast, 2 servings for lunch, and some puffs for snacks.  We feed him 2 servings of solids at dinner time as well.
-teething - he's got 6!  The top two came in first, then the bottom two, and then two more on the top! 
-still putting everything in his mouth.
-sleeping in his own room!
-takes 2 naps a day and is napping well at home and school.  His naps are still better at home, but he gets at least 2 hours of sleep while he is at school
-23 pounds, 5 ounces - 90%
-29 1/2 inches long - 90%
18 1/2 inch head circumference - 95%

It was pretty hard to get him to stop pulling at the sticker on his onesie this time around.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Teacher Reports

Grayson's teachers tell me some pretty funny things that he does at school sometimes, and I thought I would start recording them a few at a time.  The following are some stories that I remember from the past few months:

:: I have been told a few times now that G steals other kid's snacks during the afternoon.  Last week Miss L told me that Grayson took a handful of someone's gold fish.  No, I have never fed him goldfish, but I guess he has had some now!  I am kind of confused that someone Gray's age would already be eating gold fish, but I guess they can chew them well enough.

:: Last week I was told that G was kissing on girls one day!  It has already started...

:: Grayson occasionally escapes out of his classroom and sits in the hallway watching people go by and playing with the big strollers that they have.  His teachers said that another teacher came by and told them they had an escapee...but they assured her that G was just the hall monitor. 

:: Grayson keeps his teachers entertained throughout the day.  They say they really miss him on Fridays.  He is pretty silly...he gets it from his hem.  Right.

:: G has been working on standing without holding onto anything lately.  They have told me that he yells out when he is balancing on his own for praise - just in case they weren't looking.  :)

:: Oh, this is a fun one.  Gray's teachers are convinced that he has started to talk back to them when they tell him no.  One day a few weeks ago they said that any time they would say no or keep him from doing something, he would yell out something at them.  I believe it, too!  He sure does like to do the things we tell him not to - sure can't wait for those terrible twos...

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Wordless Wednesday-with captions

G playing with The Big Kahuna

That week he loved playing with the mustache pacifiers

I couldn't resist his cuteness in a diaper

Just catching up on the sales

Indian boy with Indian Rice

He wasn't feelin the photo shoot

G loves to crawl up on his "new" couch in the playroom

Testing out a new carrier - he seemed to like it!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Separation Anxiety

Took this cute picture of G this weekend with Aunt Pavi
I have really been hoping that we would get past our trip to India before Grayson developed separation anxiety, but I think it may have started yesterday, and reared its ugly head this morning.  I left Gray with his Daddy last night when I went to the grocery store, and as I was leaving he got kind of fussy, but P was able to calm him down with some dinner.  We were hoping that meant that he had just been hungry, but now I am not so convinced.  This morning I dropped him off with Miss Linda - the same person he has seen every morning since he was 3 months old - and as soon as I left the room he started crying.  When I drop him off, I leave him in one room with the daycare worker while I go down to his room for the rest of the day and unload his food and fill out his daily form.  He fussed the entire time that I was down the hall!  Miss Linda was trying to work her magic by talking to him about his trip to Dallas, but it didn't seem to do much good.  I stopped by to say good bye like I always do, and he calmed down while I held him, but as soon as I handed him off, he was all tears.  Poor baby, I hope he didn't cry for too long.  Knowing him, he probably started playing with the other little boy who was already there as soon as I was out the door!

(Timeline reference: today Gray is 9 months, 19 days)