Wednesday, June 27, 2012

8 Months

While I should be posting Gray's 9 month pictures/info, I need to get his 8 month pictures up first!

So, since I was pretty bad about writing notes for the last month, I'm not sure how much I remember.  Here goes!

G's Schedule
I still take Grayson to school every day, so that means that we wake him up around 6:15 to feed him, change his diaper, and get him dressed.  We try to get Grayson in bed around 7:30-8, because he is pretty tired when he gets home from school a lot of times.  His sleep has still been pretty hit or miss when it comes to sleeping through the night.  We finished physical therapy this month because his therapist thought that he was doing well.  She said that he still had a little bit of the tilt, but that it was only occasional, and he was correcting it on his own.  We hope that he continues to work through it when he hits each new milestone. 

At 8 months old, Grayson is:
-wearing 6-9 month onesies
-wearing 6 month pants
-in size 3 diapers  
-we have heard him say mama and dada, but nothing has convinced us that he knows what he is saying
-making his presence known when we are out and about - he likes to practice his voice ;)  This has started to make going out to dinner a little more difficult. 
-crawling!  He started this toward the end of the month, but was not completely mobile.
-eating formula and having solids at dinner in his highchair.  We are still introducing a new food and waiting 4 days before giving him new foods.
-teething - this is one fact I don't quite remember, but he probably had 4 teeth by the end of this month 
-still putting everything in his mouth.
-still sleeping in our room.
-takes 2 naps a day and is napping well at home and school.  His naps are still better at home, but he gets at least 2 hours of sleep while he is at school
-21.5 pounds (we went to the Doctor because of lingering cough)  

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