One of the more shocking things for me to learn post baby has been that it is impossible for me to get much of anything done during the week. Case in point? I started making cupcakes for The Hubs and I to enjoy during the Super Bowl (yes, that was February 5th!), but I did not get around to making the frosting for the cupcakes until this past Saturday! I am not sure why I even decided to spend my time finishing the cupcakes a week later, but P said they still tasted ok (he ate a few without icing), so I got out the ingredients and started mixing it up. I thought it would be a good opportunity to show Grayson the mixer and see if he liked it as much as ceiling fans. It was pretty entertaining to him, so P took a couple of shots of the two of us looking in the bowl.

The Hubs and I like to spend time in the kitchen making elaborate meals, so it has been important to us to make sure Grayson finds it a fun and interesting place. I have a feeling he will spend a lot of time in the kitchen with Mommy and Daddy!
Linking up
Aww, how sweet! I am loving his jammies :)