Monday, February 27, 2012

5 Months

Grayson is SO much fun at this age.  He has really become more aware of everything around him.  He is observing and playing with everything around him and reaching and rolling for toys when they are just out of his reach.  (He had not completely rolled over in the 5th month...that came 2 days later!)

G's Schedule
I don't usually take Grayson to school in the mornings, but P says that Grayson always has a huge smile on his face when he drops him off to Miss Linda.  We are so happy that he seems to like his daycare.  It makes it a lot easier on all of us that he transitions so well to daycare 4 days a week.  On Mondays he has started back to Physical Therapy for his torticollis (we had a few weeks where he didn't go because our insurance company hadn't approved the continual visits).  Last week was his second visit, and it made me happy to hear his therapist say that it took her a minute to even see the tilt!  But, as he got more tired throughout his session, his tilt became more prevalent once again.  She really stretched him out this week and showed me one new stretch that we could be doing at home as well.  


At 5 months old, Grayson is:
-wearing 3-6 month onesies
-wearing 3-6 month pants, but some 0-3 month pants still fit
-in size 3 diapers, we just made the change last week!  He probably could have stayed in size 2 for bit longer, but our shipment from Amazon was set for size 3's, so we didn't change it.  They are not too big for him, its just that size 2's said they should go up to 18 pounds.  
-laughing a lot more.  He thinks kissy noises are pretty funny, along with any noises that involve moving your tongue so that he can see it.
-using his voice a lot more.  He really likes to practice his higher register right now and LOVES it when I mimic him.
-eating formula only. This has happened over the last week due to low milk supply. 
-reaching out and grabbing for everything.  He made us crack up the other day when he basically grabbed his bottle out of P's hand when P was handing it to me.  I guess we weren't working fast enough for him!
-still putting everything in his mouth. If he gets his hands on it...its goin' in!
-sleeping through the night.  (well, he was...until this weekend.  Post on that later.)
-napping like a champ at home (2-3 hour nap in the morning, with a possible shorter nap in the afternoon)
-not napping like a champ at school.  He takes catnaps at school, that equal 2 hours total on a good day.
-about 16.5 pounds!  (unofficial home weigh in)  

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Embrace the camera: Feb. 23

I have still got to write up Grayson's 5th month post, but here are a few pictures that we took during his 5th month photo shoot.

I finally got my hair "did"-it has only been like...8 months!  No more roots and about 3 inches shorter, I feel human again!

His "kisses" right now are these great big open mouth slobbery messes that melt our heart every time he opens his mouth.  I'm glad we got some pictures of them to remember how stinkin' cute he was with his beginner kisses.

Linking up:

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Fun with Apps

I got to work late this morning due to a certain dog who had to be hosed off after his morning walk today, so I don't have time to post about Gray's 5th month at the moment.  Instead, I compiled this little diddy last night on the iPad and thought it was too cool not to share!  My, how he has grown in the last 5 months!!
I was excited to find the two applications that I used for this.  One of the apps puts the pictures into the collage-like setting, and another app puts different labels on pictures. I'm positive this is not the last time you will see either of these used on my blog! 

Monday, February 20, 2012

House Hunting

A few weeks ago we found out that our landlord wants to sell the town home that we are renting right now, so when our lease is up in mid-April, we need a new place to live.  We knew that the end of our lease was coming up, but we were hoping to just extend it until December and then move to Dallas.  That plan, of course, was all contingent upon P finishing up his PhD by December and finding a lab in Dallas to work in for 5 months before jumping back into medical school.  So, as the saying goes: best laid plans of mice and men often go awry...

We are now house hunting once again in the Houston area and it is brutal every.single.time.  As The Hubs put it, the Real Estate Dilemma: Size and niceness, location (safety in this case), affordability. Pick two.  We have not found anything in our current neighborhood that meets our needs, and we are sad that we will most likely have to leave the area.  The biggest problem with that is the fact that Gray's daycare is really close to that neighborhood, and everywhere else that we're looking makes his daycare out of the way.  It would make me really sad to pull him out of that daycare, they are so nice and the curriculum is pretty special (hello, mandarin! spanish! sign language!).  His current place is also quite affordable, and I don't know that we would find something better out there.  

All of this to say, we went house hunting this weekend and looked at four different properties.  We were able to cut one off of our list because of its location, and another one because of its price and large lawn.  That leaves us with two possibilities from this weekend, one town home in walking distance of P's lab, and one house that is closer to his lab as well, although it doesn't have a washer and dryer, so we would have to figure out what to do about that.  The house comes with lawn service, so we wouldn't have to worry about taking care of the yard and it would be really nice to be able to put Jackson out back in the mornings instead of walking him.  Decisions, decisions!

We want to try to make a decision by March 1 and start moving out of our place mid-March.  This will allow our landlord to get her property on the market faster, and get us out of having to keep the place clean for showings.  

And now, for the real reason everyone stops by...
I like to call this one "Breakfast in bed"

Jack really thought he was going to get some...he probably did, let's be honest.
    Can you believe G-bug is FIVE months old today?!  We've got to have a photo shoot tonight.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Some videos

When we take video on our camera, it produces HUGE files that I can't email to family, so the blog is the next best option.  Enjoy!

Grayson watches the frosting:

He is THIS close to rolling over:

We tried Rice Cereal for the first time Monday (our family sick day):

Embrace the camera: Feb 16

One of the more shocking things for me to learn post baby has been that it is impossible for me to get much of anything done during the week.  Case in point?  I started making cupcakes for The Hubs and I to enjoy during the Super Bowl (yes, that was February 5th!), but I did not get around to  making the frosting for the cupcakes until this past Saturday!  I am not sure why I even decided to spend my time finishing the cupcakes a week later, but P said they still tasted ok (he ate a few without icing), so I got out the ingredients and started mixing it up.  I thought it would be a good opportunity to show Grayson the mixer and see if he liked it as much as ceiling fans.  It was pretty entertaining to him, so P took a couple of shots of the two of us looking in the bowl.

  The Hubs and I like to spend time in the kitchen making elaborate meals, so it has been important to us to make sure Grayson finds it a fun and interesting place.  I have a feeling he will spend a lot of time in the kitchen with Mommy and Daddy!

Linking up

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

Happy Valentine's Day

When I picked Grayson up from school yesterday, he had a present for Mommy & Daddy!

We got our first piece of art work from our son!

This explains why there was something green under his fingernails the other day :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Reason # 6,578

that Grayson is fantastic??  We don't owe any taxes for the first time since we got married!!  Thanks buddy!
I wish I had a CPA visor for him to be wearing ;)

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Embrace the camera: Feb. 9

My parents brought a Valentines Day gift for Grayson down with them this past weekend.  My mom was very excited about the outfit that she had gotten for Gbug, so we opened the gift pretty quickly after they arrived.  The outfit itself is for the summer, but the hat that she got to go with it was able to fit his head pretty well already.  The Hubs loves baby hats, so we had to get a family shot with Grayson in his new fancy hat.
I'm sad that this is the only family picture that we took while my parents were in town because I'm not crazy about it, but the baby in the middle makes any picture look a lot better.  It is pretty much impossible to keep Grayson's hands out of his mouth right now, and as you can see, P tried to restrain one arm, but the other prevailed.  Gray sure does love his yummy fingers right now.

Linking up

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wordless Wednesday


Grayson giggles

While my parents were in town this past weekend, we decided to go shopping for some clothes for Grayson since he refuses to stay a size 0-3 month forever! (how rude).  My mom and I were in the backseat of the car (her new car, so pretty!), and Grayson just thought she was the funniest thing EVER.  P and I had never heard him laugh so continuously, so it was a joy for all of us.  I think it was his birthday gift for Mimi. Enjoy!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Embrace the camera: Feb. 2

This is something new that I have decided to try out as another scheduled post for the week.  I have noticed that we take a ton of pictures of Grayson every week, but I have very few pictures of P or myself with the little bean.  Another blog that I read does a link up every Thursday of parents with their kids reminding us to intentionally get in front of the camera to document life with our sweeties.  I realize this will be tough since I don't always feel like I'm camera ready, but it will at least increase the odds of me liking some pictures with Gray at every stage of his little baby life.
The first picture that I have is one of P and Grayson before a family walk that we took this week.  We were experimenting with Grayson looking forward in the Bjorn.

Linking up