I don't usually take Grayson to school in the mornings, but P says that Grayson always has a huge smile on his face when he drops him off to Miss Linda. We are so happy that he seems to like his daycare. It makes it a lot easier on all of us that he transitions so well to daycare 4 days a week. On Mondays he has started back to Physical Therapy for his torticollis (we had a few weeks where he didn't go because our insurance company hadn't approved the continual visits). Last week was his second visit, and it made me happy to hear his therapist say that it took her a minute to even see the tilt! But, as he got more tired throughout his session, his tilt became more prevalent once again. She really stretched him out this week and showed me one new stretch that we could be doing at home as well.
At 5 months old, Grayson is:
-wearing 3-6 month onesies
-wearing 3-6 month pants, but some 0-3 month pants still fit
-in size 3 diapers, we just made the change last week! He probably could have stayed in size 2 for bit longer, but our shipment from Amazon was set for size 3's, so we didn't change it. They are not too big for him, its just that size 2's said they should go up to 18 pounds.
-laughing a lot more. He thinks kissy noises are pretty funny, along with any noises that involve moving your tongue so that he can see it.
-using his voice a lot more. He really likes to practice his higher register right now and LOVES it when I mimic him.
-eating formula only. This has happened over the last week due to low milk supply.
-reaching out and grabbing for everything. He made us crack up the other day when he basically grabbed his bottle out of P's hand when P was handing it to me. I guess we weren't working fast enough for him!
-still putting everything in his mouth. If he gets his hands on it...its goin' in!
-sleeping through the night. (well, he was...until this weekend. Post on that later.)
-napping like a champ at home (2-3 hour nap in the morning, with a possible shorter nap in the afternoon)
-not napping like a champ at school. He takes catnaps at school, that equal 2 hours total on a good day.
-about 16.5 pounds! (unofficial home weigh in)