Saturday, January 7, 2012

Holiday Recap

Wow, it has been a while since I updated!  Lets see if the next few posts will get us all caught up in the sweet life of Mr. Grayson Xavier.  We headed to Dallas on the 23rd of December to spend the holiday with both of our families.  We were planning on being in Dallas until the 29th, when we would head down to San Antonio as a little family to take in the Baylor Bowl game...but more on that in a different post. 
On Christmas eve, we went to church and P, G, Aunt Jess, and I sat in the "cry room" just in case we started to hear noises from the baby section. 
GBug started out in Auntie Jessie's lap...
Little baby angel

Until he started crying and she handed him off to Daddy
After the church service, we went over to G-Ma and Grandpa F's house for some heavy appetizers and our first round of gift opening. 

hmm, what is that?

Grayson made out like a bandit!

Gift opening, round 1 was a success!  We ended the night a bit earlier than usual since we needed to leave and get the baby to bed...Santa was on his way, you know!
When we were discussing what time to meet up Christmas morning, I was sure that we would be up and ready pretty early in the morning, so everyone decided on 8:30.  Boy was I wrong!  Grayson didn't wake up for the final time until closer to 9, so we weren't ready to see if Santa came until closer to 9:30.
Favorite stocking picture!

After stockings, we ate breakfast with everyone before opening all of the gifts under the tree.  We were on the receiving end of so many fabulous gifts this year, we are truly blessed. 

That afternoon, we went back over the in-law's house for our big Christmas meal.  We, of course, had to put Grayson in his new gingerbread man overalls for the occasion!
With a three month old, Christmas was definitely different, but I am looking forward to next year when he has a better understanding of everything going on around him.  I hope that the excitement will build a little bit more, and that we can start some really fun family traditions. 

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