At one month old (10/20/11) Grayson:
-Started to sleep in 4 hour intervals at night. but a week later this isn't the case!
-Rolled over from tummy to back at 3 weeks, 6 days
-Is awake for a few hours at a time
-Enjoys staring out the window when it is light outside
-Loves tummy to tummy cuddles
-Eats so much better and wakes up to eat on his own
-Isn't sure what to think of the pacifier
-Sucks on his thumb occasionally
-Weighs about 8 pounds
Grayson is a really great baby. He has started to get a little more fussy in the last week, but for the most part, he is just alert and paying attention to things around him when he is awake. He loves to cuddle with anyone who will hold him, and I think his favorite place to sleep is either on mommy or daddy.
Grayson has moved out of his preemie sized clothes, but at the end of his first month, he is still in newborn sized clothes. The white onsie in the pictures above are 0-3 month size, and you can tell they are still quite large. He is growing everyday though! I can't believe he is already one month old!
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