Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

On Saturday we went to a little pumpkin patch in front of a church in Houston.  They just have a lot of pumpkins for sale in the front lot of their church, which was perfect for picture taking and Gray's first Halloween experience.

I can't wait to take him to larger more exciting pumpkin patches, but he obviously wouldn't have appreciated it at this age.  I did google pumpkin patch and found that there are some super cool ones in the Houston area, but I think once he is old enough, we may be on to the next town for P's school.  One patch is at an exotic animal farm...I am tempted to just go up there for my own amusement one day in the future!

Auntie Jessie sent this costume for Grayson, and I must say, he is the cutest sock monkey I've ever seen!  
He was hesitant at first...

And calmed down when Daddy was carrying him...

Had another small meltdown..

Then he posed really cute for the camera!

Happy Halloween!!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

1 Month

At one month old (10/20/11) Grayson:

-Started to sleep in 4 hour intervals at night. but a week later this isn't the case!
-Rolled over from tummy to back at 3 weeks, 6 days
-Is awake for a few hours at a time
-Enjoys staring out the window when it is light outside
-Loves tummy to tummy cuddles
-Eats so much better and wakes up to eat on his own
-Isn't sure what to think of the pacifier
-Sucks on his thumb occasionally
-Weighs about 8 pounds

Grayson is a really great baby.  He has started to get a little more fussy in the last week, but for the most part, he is just alert and paying attention to things around him when he is awake.  He loves to cuddle with anyone who will hold him, and I think his favorite place to sleep is either on mommy or daddy.

Grayson has moved out of his preemie sized clothes, but at the end of his first month, he is still in newborn sized clothes.  The white onsie in the pictures above are 0-3 month size, and you can tell they are still quite large.  He is growing everyday though!  I can't believe he is already one month old! 

He's an angry little elf...

But most of the time he is super duper cute!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Baby in a basket

I have been trying to get cute posed pictures of Grayson in buckets and baskets here and there, but it is harder than it looks!  The professionals must have some secrets because I can't get Grayson to stay asleep, or stay posed if he is awake.  I probably should have tried when he was just a few days old, but my mind was not focused on pictures at that time.  

Attempt #1:

I think the bucket was too small, and I just hate waking him up when he is sleeping, so this did not go so well. 

Attempt #2:

I don't think this looks like him

baby rolled too much

not a happy camper
Any suggestions??

The Nursery

We got most of the nursery finished before Grayson got here, but there were a few finishing touches that did not get done until a week ago.  I am really pleased with how his little space turned out! 
The letters were the last thing to be hung

My mom and I put the wall decals up one afternoon.  We were afraid that it was going to take us all day to install both wall features, but thankfully, the way that they came made it pretty easy.  I think it just took us 2 hours to do both!  I am so glad that we got color on the walls with the tree decal.  I think it adds so much to the space. 
 The tissue paper poms were just being stored in the crib when Grayson got here because I had not gotten around to hanging them.  They were decoration used at his baby shower, and I decided to bring some of them home for the nursery.  My mom, sister, and sister-in-law hung these up for us while we were at the hospital - I was so thankful for that!
The top three drawers are Gray's initials!

I am very happy that Grayson has his own space, but that he is in our room at the same time.  It makes the nighttime feedings a lot easier.  And, I will admit, after I put him back in his crib and climb in my bed, I usually can't fall asleep until I get up and make sure he is breathing. 

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Bath Time

We have given Grayson a few baths in the kitchen sink since his arrival, but we had to make sure that his umbilical cord did not get wet.  Today we set up his baby bathtub in the tub in our bathroom (we have never once used it), and got Grayson more wet for the first time.
Gray's first big bath - 10/20/11
He was awake for the whole thing and didn't seem to dislike it too much.  I think the water got a little cold by the end of it, but other than that, he was a pretty happy camper.

I am not sure that bath time will be a one person job for a little while still, seeing as getting him into his towel was quite difficult for me to try on my own. 

Loving our little Pooh Bear!!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Brithday Buddies

When we were told our baby's due date back in February, I would have never guessed that instead of being an October baby, our son would share his Aunt's birthday!  I thought that it would be a long shot for Grayson to be born on his Daddy's birthday (9/24), and really never thought that he would come before that!
Here is a picture of Grayson with his birthday buddy!
September 20th babies

Hospital pictures

My sister was able to fly in the day after Grayson was born to meet her first nephew. 
On our last day in the hospital, Jess took some really cute pictures of Gray in his elf hat.

While Jess was here, she also filled our freezer with all kinds of homemade food for us to warm up through the first few weeks of Grayson's life...spaghetti, butter chicken, taco soup, and stroganoff.   The food was delicious and came in so handy!  Auntie Jessie made some time for baby cuddles as well:

 I was sad to see her go, but excited that we will get to see her again at Thanksgiving! 

Three Day Weekend

My mom had a three day weekend this past weekend and couldn't wait to get back down here to see her grandson.  Since Gray was still trying to gain weight and get over jaundice when they left last time, it was nice for my parents to see him awake more often and without the biliblanket. 
Grayson and his Mimi dozed off on the couch together one of the evenings that they were here:
Catching some Zzz's with Mimi Z
P and I were able to leave Grayson with my parents for a little while twice while they were here.  The first time, we went to the grocery store and the second outing was to tour a day care for Grayson.  It turns out we loved the day care and officially signed him up there today!  I am excited because they are super interactive and even teach the infant class sign language, Spanish, and Mandarin. 

We made sure to take some grandparent pictures before they left:

The next time they see Gray, I am sure he will be totally different!  It seems like he changes every day. 

I love my boys

This makes my heart full
Father/Son couch cuddles

Baby hugs are the best!

Grayson's first week

We welcomed Grayson Xavier into this world on September 20 at 9:46 pm, after being in labor for 14 hours. 
Daddy's first cuddles

He's here!!!
When I was released from the hospital, we couldn't take Grayson with us because he had lost too much weight for the pediatrician to be comfortable with him leaving.  P and I traveled back and forth to the hospital every 2 1/2 hours for feedings the night and morning that we were apart from Grayson.  We were so excited when we got to bring him home 12 hours later.
First ride home
Introductions had to be made
Once we were home, Gray's bilirubin levels were declared too high (jaundice), and in order to keep him home instead of readmitting him, we were prescribed an at-home treatment - the biliblanket.
He had to sleep with it on as well
The day after Grayson came home was his Daddy's birthday, so we celebrated with beer, brats, cupcakes, and football.

We are so happy to have our little bean home!