P was out of the country for two weeks which is why I took the 24 week pics myself, and week 25 were taken a bit late. It is so nice to have him back! We spent the 4th of July weekend in Dallas with our friends and family and took some time out on Saturday to register at Babies R Us. I've gotta tell you, registering for baby things is not nearly as fun/easy as it was to register for our wedding. There are so many options, you never know if the baby will like or use all of the gear you pick, and the safety rankings are important to know as well. We have been using a book called Baby Bargains when looking at baby things.
I purchased this book a month or two ago to help us rank different brands and determine what items are really necessary. The book covers items from cribs to strollers and gives information about the reliability of the brands as well as the safety rankings/features. The stroller and car seat options available are so daunting that we have yet to pick what we want. These sections in the book are quite long and we just haven't taken the time to read all of it and form our opinions. We made a real dent in our registry though, so we are happy to have that checked off of our list of things to do.
We still need to pick out the rest of the furniture for the nursery: the glider and the dresser. I feel like we have seen all of the furniture available at the baby stores, so I am anxious to look at a few regular furniture stores just to compare prices and see if once it isn't labeled "baby" if the prices will be lower. One thing we can't decide is if a 3 drawer dresser would provide enough space for The Bean's things, or if we need to go with a double dresser. We think that the small space we are using for the nursery will fit either size, but of course, the smaller one would probably be a little better.
We have about three months (give our take, obviously) to get all of this figured out and finalized. And, being the planner that I am, having most of it done the sooner the better will help me sleep at night!
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