Saturday, June 4, 2011


I have spent a significant amount of time looking online at nursery ideas for the last week.  We are having a hard time deciding if we want to go with something super modern (my choice right now), something super preppy (P's choice right now), or something with a lot of color.  The one thing that we can agree on is that we don't really like a lot of the options at the main stores we have looked at.  My problem is that after I spend 2 hours looking at things online, I forget links or how I got to different pages and lose everything that I have been looking at.  I've decided that if I start to link to a few things from here though, I will have one central place that I can come back to when we are ready to pull the trigger on something. 

This morning, I spent an outrageous amount of time looking at dresser drawer knobs for a dresser that we have not picked out or purchased.  Sometimes I do things quite backwards.  But, I found some cute stuff, and I don't want to forget about it know...when I actually have a dresser to put them in.

If we do go the super modern route, our animal of decoration choice would be an elephant.  We have seen some really cute wall stickers and modern bedding with them, and that is why the first two knobs are elephants:
From Here

For something more simple, I like blue and white polka dots or small designs like the next two:
From Here

From Here
 These last two knobs are just way cool, though I don't know if we would use either one:
From Here

From Here
A travel theme is something we have not given a whole lot of thought to, but it would make sense for us to think about it!   Hmm, something else to start searching the interwebs for! 

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