Monday, December 10, 2012


Since I couldn't add pictures after Thanksgiving - this post is very late but I am going to share the pictures anyway.  Just a quick photo dump. 


Baby and his Auntie

Taj and Pavi

Sweet Taj kisses

Watchin' some football

G and Mimi

He had us cracking up during the meal

Daddy with his little turkey

Let's play!  Let's play!

playin' with friends

Serious boy

Thursday, December 6, 2012

14 Months!

14 months
At 14 (10/21-11/20) months old, Grayson is:
-wearing 12-18 month onesies
-wearing 9-12 month shorts and 12 month and some 18 month pants
-wearing 18 month footie pjs
-in size 4 diapers - we switched right at the end of the month.    
-having a rough go at sleeping through the night this month!  I think he ended up in our bed around 2 or 3 most nights this month.  We hope it is due to the teething and NOT becoming a habit.
-walking better and better.  He trots around the house and can basically run these days.
-drinking whole milk. 
-drinking exclusively from sippy cups!  Grayson didn't give us any backlash about removing bottles from his daily routine, which was very nice.  Gray has three sippy cups of milk a day - 1 when he wakes up, 1 around 2 in the afternoon, and 1 before bed.
-having solids at every meal.  He has gotten a lot better at eating the school lunches - which shocks us because there is no way he would eat half of the stuff at home.  For dinner, we still struggle getting Grayson to eat any sort of meat.  We had a few days where he ate some chicken nuggets, but he has since started refusing them again.  In order to get him to eat meat, we still give him some Stage 3 Gerber meals.  We don't have any trouble getting him to eat dairy or fruits.        
-teething - He got FOUR teeth this month - his top two incisors and two more bottom teeth (the ones next to his front two bottom ones).  He is up to 14 teeth now - how many does one little mouth need??  We all need a break from this teething thing!!
-still taking 2 naps a day at school  

Other notables:
-Gray has started to bring books to P or me that he would like for us to read.  His favorites right now are a Garfield book that I picked up in a Target dollar bin, and a Peekaboo book that has soft patches for him to pet and flaps for him to open.  This was from last month, but it is still very true this month.  He now brings every book in sight to us.  He listens to the first page or two, and then grabs another book for us to read.
-Gray got a shape sorter for his birthday that is shaped like a toolkit.  He grabs it and brings it to us to play as well.  He likes to sit and either watch me or help me put the shape in the correct hole.  Then, I tell him to shove it in the rest of the way and he loves that part.  He is always so proud of himself when it drops in.
-He likes to pull things out of baskets, bags, my purse, ANYTHING.
-Grayson did his first "more" sign this month.  He does it so much now - it is the cutest thing!
-Grayson started waving bye-bye - FINALLY!  I thought he would never figure it out ;)
-We started a new nighttime routine with him this month.  I was very nervous to take the final bottle away and nix the 5-10 minutes of drinking in the dark to calm him down before bed, but it has gone pretty well.  We give him a sippy cup with milk and read some stories and then we brush his teeth.  Next it is lights out and I sing to him either on the rocker or while he is in his crib.  Then I pat his back until he is asleep - this has taken up to an hour one night - but it is something that we needed to do.
-Grayson blabbers constantly and uses his hands to talk.  SO.DARN.CUTE. (no actual words yet)
-I started introducing a fork to Grayson for the foods that he uses his hands for.  I put it in his hand and then help him spear the food.  He has the coordination to get the fork to his mouth, but the spearing still gives him trouble.  He really likes that he uses a fork though.  He also tries to grab the spoon when we're feeding him his yogurt or purees.
-Grayson has had a few fits when told 'no' this month or when we take things away.
-Grayson had a double ear infection this month and then had an allergic reaction to the medicine that he was prescribed.
-Lots of travel this month - BU Homecoming in Waco and Wurstfest in New Braunfels. 



I think I'm back!  I am trying to figure out how to post pictures to the blog from a different site because I have used up all of my free space with blogger.  So!  Here is a photo dump from our life the last few weeks.

Indulging Mommy

Playing with some Christmas lights
Investigating the red tree

Cheese Puff Monster

Hanging out at the mall

Self Portrait in front of the mall Santa's tree
First sights of our Christmas tree at home

He was/is very interested in the balls

We didn't put any breakable ornaments on the bottom

He tries to put the balls back on...but he just places them on the limbs...and the usually roll right off