Thursday, November 17, 2011

Our first trip

We went to Austin this past weekend to see some family and go to Wurstfest in New Braunfels.  We packed everything but the kitchen sink and made the 3 1/2 hour drive.  Grayson slept for the first couple of hours and we had to stop about an hour outside of Austin to feed him, then he was quite fussy for the remainder of the car ride.  I am beginning to think that Gray just doesn't like to be in the car when it is dark.  He has been fussy too many times in the dark for it to be a coincidence. 
My dad got Grayson a lederhosen onsie for Wurstfest.  Unfortunately, we had a diaper blowout before we could get too many pictures.  This is the only one I got...
So cute!
G with his grandparents in the Grand Dance Hall
 I realized a few weeks ago that we didn't have any pictures our our little family of three, so I made sure to get a couple while we were in Austin!

It was a great, fast trip!  It was also great to have a short trip with Gray to see what we may have forgotten to bring for a trip away from home. 

I love fall...


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

7 Week Doctor Visit

We went to the pediatrician today for Gray's 2 month appointment.  I scheduled it a few weeks before he turned 2 months because we will be pretty busy for the next few weeks, and, the sooner he gets his first round of shots, the better P and I feel about taking him out of the house more often.  (I am really suffering from cabin fever!)
We are so excited that Grayson weighed in at 10.98 pounds and is 22.75 inches long!  That puts him in the 50th percentile for weight and 63rd percentile for length.  That is a far cry from the 5th-10th percentile he was in at his two week appointment.  It is nice to know that he is getting enough food and growing like he is supposed to.
It wouldn't be a trip to the pediatrician's office for us without some bad news to go with it.  The Doctor thinks that she heard a heart murmur when she was listening to his heart and lungs this morning.  She has referred us to the pediatric cardiologist at Texas Children's for an Echo.  We are praying that it is small and that it will fix itself, but we will know more once they can see it.  The Doctor also thinks that Gray may have torticollis, which is a tightening in his neck.  We have noticed that Grayson prefers to face one direction (to his right) while sleeping or hanging out in the SARD.  If he does have torticollis, we think that it is a very mild case, but we are to monitor it and make sure to turn his head in the other direction whenever we can in order to avoid a flat spot on his head.  Aaaand, after talking about Grayson's crying lately, she seems to think that we may have a colicky baby on our hands as well.  She suggested a book for us to read and some soothing techniques to use with him.
I think we'll stay away from the Doctor's office for a while...too much bad news!  Juuuust kidding!  
This picture has nothing to do with this post - it is just cute :)

Monday, November 7, 2011

Our babies

Buttermilk Pie

Last week the hubs told me that he would bake with me on Sunday if we could find some time.  This was clever on his part, since he knew that would mean baked goods for himself and a happy wifer - a twofer!  Since Thanksgiving is coming up, I've been thinking about desserts, pies mainly, that I can bake for our feast.  I had been thinking about trying to make a buttermilk pie for a few weeks, and since P had never had it before, that made up my mind.  I searched the interwebs for a recipe and found one on the tasty kitchen website that looked like all of the other ones I was seeing. 

P added the wet ingredients

While I prepared the crust

It was nice to get 30 minutes alone while Grayson was napping and spend it baking with the hubs.
Final Product
This turned out nicely, and it will most likely make the list for Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Baby Wearing

We waited to use the baby bjorn for the first couple of weeks since Grayson was so small, but in the last month we have loved wearing Grayson around the neighborhood and during some errands.
One of our first walks with Jackson

Grayson seems to like it when we wear him as well.  He whines some when we put him in it, but after that, he either just looks all around or falls asleep.  The baby wearing also frees us up to do things like...
cut potatoes
or grill up a steak!
 Being able to get some cuddles and go hands-free has been really helpful for us so far.